# url = https://mckinley.cc/twtxt.txt # nick = mckinley 2020-07-04T02:08:35-07:00 My first twtxt. Nobody will follow me, but I'm sure if I shill enough on my website I'll get a few people to read my messages in a browser. 2020-07-04T02:10:37-07:00 I'm not even using a real client, I made a (poorly written) bash script to write messages to a file and exit if it's over 140 characters. 2020-07-04T02:24:26-07:00 Put a nice twtxt section on the root of my website. Fun fact: it isn't automated, so every time I "tweet" I have to manually add it there. 2020-07-04T03:52:12-07:00 Moving to Mexico to start an underground GNU/Linux users group, gonna call it RMS-13 2020-07-04T18:39:38-07:00 https://github.com/duckduckgo/Android/issues/527 Domains visited using mobile DDG browser get sent to DDG servers... I'll switch to Firefox. 2020-07-04T23:01:56-07:00 The amount of times I've had to boot my (GNU/Linux) laptop just to ssh into it on my (Windows) desktop to do a basic task is astounding. 2020-07-05T19:19:54-07:00 https://hardware.majix.org/ cool website showing off someone's old computers 2020-07-05T23:52:05-07:00 Reminder that https://mckinley.cc/ is fully Lynx-friendly :) 2020-07-07T01:14:06-07:00 Got my new ThinkPad in the mail today. An X61T. Installed Arch on it, everything went well. May go to Parabola eventually for extra freedom. 2020-07-07T01:18:18-07:00 I would like to make a list of the computers I own on here, have pictures and specs of the machine. Would be a fun project to index them. 2020-07-08T00:08:56-07:00 I finally made a script to add my twtxt messages in the 3 necessary documents. It isn't pretty, but at least it gets the job done. 2020-07-08T00:47:38-07:00 My hosting provider probably won't let me use a public key for authentication with FTP though, so that still needs to be done manually. 2020-07-31T12:52:45-07:00 Man, haven't used this in a while. Not dead. Blog post coming soon:tm: 2020-07-31T14:53:52-07:00 Just added a new page on mckinley.cc with some of the computers I have and their specs. https://mckinley.cc/computers.html 2020-08-01T15:42:18-07:00 The computers page on https://mckinley.cc/ kills Lynx compatibility, and I'm stumped on how to fix it without the looks tanking for everyone 2020-08-04T18:41:06-07:00 Good discussion about bad article on HowToGeek: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/why-i-still-use-an-old-powerpc-mac-in-2020.2248402/ 2020-12-10T21:21:30-08:00 Computers page looks like garbage, but at least I've finally gotten around to making it an official part of my site. 2021-01-15T21:42:41-08:00 I was once shown a site with CSS making it look like the source HTML but I didn't save it. If you know it please send a message on Session. 2021-01-15T21:46:07-08:00 The 140 character limit of the twtxt spec is annoying. I hope you got the essence of my previous post. 2021-02-08T13:09:05-08:00 To the Canadian gentleman signing every guestbook he can find in Gopherspace, I salute you sir. 2021-02-11T00:07:15-08:00 Search engines are not browsers, browsers are not search engines. 2021-02-12T01:40:29-08:00 People's minds are blown about how Mojang made worlds deeper in Minecraft. I predicted this exact solution months ago and was called crazy. 2021-02-12T01:45:59-08:00 The 1.17 update to Minecraft will have some interesting features, but I don't really see myself playing a lot of anything newer than 1.12.2. 2021-02-13T22:51:28-08:00 Calls to "own your data" and focus on "privacy" fall on deaf ears if you're sponsored by Google and Mozilla, recommending the use of Tumblr. 2021-02-16T00:35:10-08:00 What an adventure, shame the article was never updated. (Google warning) http://unforgettability.net/content/page/projects_cobalt 2021-02-16T10:38:17-08:00 I can't tell if this is going to be a real product or not. I sure hope it is, because it looks really cool. http://violence.works/ 2021-02-16T11:15:51-08:00 I've been on an archive.org book waitlist for weeks because I can't find the book anywhere else. It sucks to not illegally download things. 2021-02-16T18:36:20-08:00 I turned on access logging for https://mckinley.cc/, so if you want to go there using weird browser/hardware combinations, now is the time. 2021-02-16T23:19:53-08:00 @ (#<3l6v6ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3l6v6ea>) 36% of requests since I enabled logs 2021-02-17T00:36:43-08:00 @ (#<3l6v6ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3l6v6ea>) Logs say it's just you :) 2021-02-17T01:41:53-08:00 @ (#<3l6v6ea https://twtxt.net/search?tag=3l6v6ea>) Thanks, man. I'll take a look. 2021-02-24T16:11:42-08:00 MC 1.17: Bedrock in existing chunks won't be replaced with grimstone. Grimstone starts at y=-1, bedrock ended at y=0. Very specific numbers. 2021-02-24T16:20:21-08:00 MC 1.17: I predict there will be a bedrock wall generated on the border of 1.17 chunks that go to y=-64 and pre-1.17 chunks that go to y=0. 2021-02-24T19:33:06-08:00 The AC adapter for my W700ds arrived. I can now say the reviewer who referred to it as "a very brick-like power brick" was absolutely right. 2021-02-25T10:19:59-08:00 Why is it so common for help sites of software projects to have no links back to the main site? I always have to change the URL manually. 2021-02-25T12:19:50-08:00 @ (#) I can't find it now, keep an eye out for it. 2021-02-25T13:28:10-08:00 @ (#) Just inline images, they wrap like text. 2021-02-25T13:34:40-08:00 @ (#) 36 characters left makes it rough. 2021-02-25T14:01:24-08:00 @ (#) Vim, and it's really not that awful. 2021-03-04T11:09:33-08:00 "Charting a course towards a more privacy-first web." Yeah, okay Google. https://blog.google/products/ads-commerce/a-more-privacy-first-web/ 2021-03-04T11:11:18-08:00 "72% of people feel that almost all of what they do online is being tracked by advertisers" Wow Google, I wonder why they feel that way. 2021-03-04T18:46:27-08:00 @ Twtxt.net's privacy policy says you store emails, /register disagrees. Which is true? 2021-03-05T19:55:29-08:00 I stopped browsers from automatically requesting a favicon on https://mckinley.cc/ thanks to this blog post: https://k1ss.org/blog/20191004a 2021-03-11T11:39:55-08:00 Live.js is neat, but I don't know why you would include it in the document. I just put it in a userscript for https://livejs.com/ 2021-03-11T16:09:00-08:00 /twtxt.html, at 12.9KB, is now the largest HTML document on https://mckinley.cc/. 2021-03-12T19:03:04-08:00 Found a PGP signed twtxt feed. I've been thinking about this, I wonder how many clients it breaks. https://domgoergen.com/twtxt/mdom.txt 2021-03-13T00:06:21-08:00 Automatically generated web content never ceases to amuse me. (Spyware warning) https://www.slant.co/versus/126/128/~go_vs_brainfuck 2021-03-14T19:21:01-07:00 Hey, it's pi day! 2021-03-16T11:50:34-07:00 Reject modernity, return to poor contrast and flashy GIFs. https://www.wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/ 2021-03-17T00:35:26-07:00 1100 lines of CSS, 700KB of JavaScript, and 4 fonts on the home page of a blog named 'Web Dev Simplified' https://blog.webdevsimplified.com/ 2021-03-17T21:00:25-07:00 Everyone should read this. 'User domestication' is a great term. https://seirdy.one/2021/01/27/whatsapp-and-the-domestication-of-users.html 2021-03-18T19:25:37-07:00 I'm currently updating an Arch system that hasn't been updated since October. Wish me luck. 2021-03-20T02:50:14-07:00 OnionShare now lets you host an anonymous chat room. You can also run multiple services at one time. It just keeps getting better. 2021-03-20T21:25:28-07:00 GitHub really doesn't make it easy for you to do things anonymously. At least you can see repositories without JS. (Looking at you, GitLab!) 2021-03-30T17:52:28-07:00 I got a Kensington Expert Mouse. My only other trackball is of the thumb-ball style. The Expert Mouse is very different, but nice to use. 2021-03-30T23:29:03-07:00 I wouldn't have bought this mouse if it wasn't on the shelf at Micro Center. I've always thought it was a meme, but I like it a lot. 2021-04-03T18:00:19-07:00 I had a nightmare last night, I had to check my email on an M1 MacBook Pro, and the email client on it was just terrible, almost unusable. 2021-04-06T01:15:23-07:00 140 characters cannot even begin to contain my problems with this blog post. https://apex.sh/blog/post/pre-render-wget/ 2021-04-06T01:17:35-07:00 PEOPLE DO THAT WITH A HEADLESS CHROME INSTANCE? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHO COULD POSSIBLY- WHY WOULD- THE- I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTERS. 2021-04-06T01:20:57-07:00 MCKINLEY NEWS: GUY WITH EYE DESTROYING WEBSITE SELLS A GIT COMMIT https://nitter.42l.fr/tjholowaychuk/status/1377163602776367104 2021-04-15T19:12:50-07:00 Oh, wow, Dogecoin almost hit a quarter. Maybe I should get some when the price stabilizes a bit. 2021-04-15T19:24:24-07:00 A month ago, /twtxt.html was the largest page on mckinley.cc. I split it into several files and now the January-April page is the same size. 2021-04-15T19:25:25-07:00 My 9.5KB plain text feed is also getting up there. I've been thinking about adding a feed with only recent posts. Last 25 or 30, probably. 2021-04-15T23:01:05-07:00 I am now the proud owner of the domain 'mck.cx'. This is only the 2nd domain I've bought without a purpose, but I'm still part of the club. 2021-04-21T23:41:17-07:00 Please stop recommending JavaScript programs to me. They're bad enough in a browser, let alone as a piece of dedicated software. 2021-04-24T23:38:37-07:00 Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I can get xx.xx (domain withheld) for less than I paid for mck.cx! That's one character less! 2021-04-24T23:54:41-07:00 Okay, IN MY DEFENSE: It is rare (and becoming more rare) to find a 2+2 letter domain that you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for. 2021-04-25T23:21:20-07:00 Almost been 24 hours. I don't have control of my domain. GoDaddy shows it for sale. $5000 instead of $16. Contacting support in the morning. 2021-04-27T01:04:17-07:00 Firefox developers changed the text for some options in the right click menu, making half second actions take thought. Thank you for that. 2021-05-03T15:34:45-07:00 GoDaddy gave me a refund. I guess I'm not getting mc.cz for $16. 2021-05-06T21:48:51-07:00 Yandex and Google trackers will potentially be added to Audacity: https://github.com/audacity/audacity/pull/835 2021-05-06T21:49:51-07:00 Apparently the PR author is associated with their new parent company, Muse Group. I doubt the opposition will be heard. 2021-05-06T21:50:51-07:00 The VERY NEXT PR adds a Google telemetry library. Not a coincidence. Watch PRs closely. https://github.com/audacity/audacity/pull/836 2021-05-08T15:18:19-07:00 DEW-S-A IS BACK! I need to get my hands on Code Red, White Out, and Voltage to see if DEW-S-A really is a mix of the 3. 2021-05-08T15:23:06-07:00 On the subject of Mountain Dew, I'm still mad about the discontinuation of Black Label. Black Label was the best flavor, change my mind. 2021-05-11T15:14:27-07:00 A look into the dystopian future: https://www.vice.com/en/article/93yyyd/this-motorcycle-airbag-vest-will-stop-working-if-you-miss-a-payment 2021-05-11T15:15:27-07:00 Audacity PR closed. Author wants tracking, but willing to avoid Google. https://github.com/audacity/audacity/pull/835#issuecomment-835880865 2021-05-18T18:48:33-07:00 https://bree.dev/horse/ 2021-05-26T13:06:19-07:00 "Native JavaScript IDE for iOS" are five words that don't belong in one sentence. https://codesandbox.io/post/codesandbox-acquires-playjs 2021-05-30T19:36:18-07:00 The tongue of my watch's buckle has gone to the wrong side of the frame, and I don't know how. A good excuse to finally get a NATO strap. 2021-05-30T19:37:18-07:00 Yes, I had to look up terms to describe the issue with my watch. You know, there's a 1500 word Wikipedia article about buckles. 2021-06-02T14:32:08-07:00 YouTube has stopped youtube-dl from circumventing age restriction. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28578 2021-06-02T14:33:08-07:00 You can still download videos by passing extracted browser cookies from an account. I'll bet you'll need cookies for any video soon. 2021-06-03T15:25:24-07:00 I just spelled 'Koenigsegg' correctly on the first try entering it into a search engine. Feels good. 2021-06-03T21:13:44-07:00 I restart my PC to update my graphics drivers, and I come back to the terrible looking UI of Firefox 89. I switched to ungoogled-chromium. 2021-06-03T21:14:44-07:00 I'm tired of Mozilla's shenanigans. This was over the line. I made sure to tell them that in their uninstallation survey. 2021-07-05T21:52:06-07:00 Fork vacuum: A condition that exists when the maintainers of a popular free software project take action widely disliked by the community 2021-07-11T01:10:13-07:00 Tech tip: To download a Google spreadsheet directly, replace /edit and anything after in the URL with /export?format=ods or any other format 2021-07-25T21:11:04-07:00 Decided it was high time for a sitemap on mckinley.cc, hopefully made it a little easier to find. https://mckinley.cc/sitemap.html 2021-07-28T18:23:34-07:00 Is it just me or is the new beta of Haiku more unstable than the previous one? 2021-08-11T16:19:07-07:00 RIP Terry A. Davis; 1969-2018 2021-08-12T20:28:51-07:00 This could be our future: https://puri.sm/posts/internet-of-snitches/; Please consider signing https://appleprivacyletter.com/ 2021-08-15T17:12:02-07:00 I use doas btw 2021-08-25T22:07:52-07:00 Apple: "Designed in California, Assembled in China, Purchased by You, Owned by Us." https://edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/all-seeing-i 2021-08-26T14:04:28-07:00 It's time for infrared-blocking glasses to become commonplace as facial recognition spreads. I only know of one company selling them. 2021-08-26T14:17:49-07:00 Current WebBS for mckinley.cc: 0.041; https://www.webbloatscore.com/?url=https://mckinley.cc/ 2021-09-01T11:56:11-07:00 Always exciting to make a new page for the twtxt section of my website. All done by hand, of course. 2021-09-04T14:04:33-07:00 By crawling a local copy my website, I found a blog post that still has links in the header to files that haven't existed for months. 2021-09-07T14:06:03-07:00 Tails 4.22 is out. I'm gunning for a 1.0 seed ratio by the end of the day. 2021-09-12T17:35:07-07:00 Let my guard down for just a second reading a blog post and I clicked a link to a Google document by accident. Narrowly avoided loading it. 2021-09-17T23:14:17-07:00 "How I repurposed a Kodak CD Kiosk tool into a bulk optical disc ripper" http://www.davisr.me/projects/cd-ripping/ 2021-09-18T00:14:54-07:00 Moment in time: "A True Pirate At Work Ripping Off MP3s" http://www.musicinit.com/pirate.html 2021-09-18T00:17:26-07:00 Check out https://search.marginalia.nu/. It's a search engine that indexes simple, text-heavy websites. 2021-09-21T13:46:59-07:00 Do you remember? 2021-10-01T20:59:17-07:00 Why is Startpage "suspending" me at least once a day? Is it my content blocker? I don't care, I'm switching to Brave Search. 2021-10-01T21:36:26-07:00 90 fun things to do in an elevator: https://www.math.uni-bielefeld.de/~sillke/Twister/fun/elevator-fun90.html 2021-10-14T15:33:17-07:00 OpenBSD Webzine issue 2 is out: https://webzine.puffy.cafe/issue-2.html 2021-10-30T13:16:32-07:00 A watched torrent never completes. 2022-02-20T19:05:09-08:00 "Merge branch 'articles-of-confederation'" https://git.sr.ht/~usa/constitution 2022-02-27T21:59:07-08:00 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/2147483648.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36 2022-04-26T23:46:29-07:00 Aliasing "startx" to "sl" is an essential part of one's migration to Wayland. 2022-04-27T13:22:09-07:00 Wayland tech tip #2: "wev" is a great "xev" clone for Wayland. It's available on the AUR (wev) or at https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/wev. 2022-04-30T20:59:26-07:00 Xlibe: An Xlib compatibility layer for Haiku, allows X11 programs to run on Haiku without an X server. https://github.com/waddlesplash/xlibe 2022-05-03T15:29:35-07:00 Mullvad VPN now accepts Monero: https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2022/5/3/we-now-accept-monero/ 2022-05-03T16:59:44-07:00 Big day for privacy. Tails has been updated to 5.0, now based on Debian 11. https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.0/index.en.html 2022-05-06T17:18:13-07:00 I don't like the new scroll bars in Firefox 100 and derivatives. They make it hard to tell which parts of the page are scrollable. 2022-05-07T17:57:48-07:00 I improved my RSS feed. It uses HTTPS links now and it includes the full content of new posts, starting with today's. 2022-05-09T17:39:40-07:00 Made big markup changes on my website. Added tags for RSS where appropriate and fixed bad HTML on blog posts. Apologies for downtime. 2022-05-10T20:17:01-07:00 On Switching to Ed: https://atthis.link/blog/2020/usingEd.html 2022-05-15T20:50:48-07:00 Only bureaucratic incompetence can produce something like this https://blog.tmm.cx/2022/05/15/the-very-weird-hewlett-packard-freedos-option/ 2022-05-16T10:56:47-07:00 A website hosted on an IBM PC110 palmtop: http://pc110.yyzkevin.com/ 2022-05-18T19:12:39-07:00 Cheese DRM: Coming to a store near you. https://www.foodandwine.com/news/parmigiano-reggiano-fraud-micro-transponder-rinds-digital-label 2022-05-18T19:13:39-07:00 It's blockchain cheese DRM, too. A non-fungi-able token! 2022-05-25T23:20:19-07:00 The Inkscape RSS feed's is literally "News feed". Thanks for that, Inkscape. 2022-05-25T23:23:26-07:00 Their <description>s aren't <![CDATA[]]>'d, either. They've opted to escape every single HTML <tag>. 2022-06-12T16:16:48-07:00 I have added an <atom:link rel="self"> to my RSS feed. I'll start including <atom:updated> as well, since the namespace is already defined. 2022-06-12T21:05:59-07:00 Farside: "A smart redirecting gateway for various frontend services" like Nitter and Scribe. https://github.com/benbusby/farside 2022-06-18T13:11:28-07:00 It's amazing that Framework, a company that designed its own laptop, can't avoid breaking its RSS feed every 2 weeks. Unsubscribed! 2022-06-20T23:54:55-07:00 Cloudflare and the Web sites it uses to perform MiTM attacks are down in many places around the world. Rejoice! 2022-06-24T12:08:28-07:00 Lab6, the zine about itself, just released Issue 3! It's a PDF/Gemini/HTML/TeX/x86 polyglot this time. Great stuff! https://lab6.com/3 2022-06-25T16:06:07-07:00 Great blog post. I've been thinking about this, just couldn't put it into words. https://seirdy.one/posts/2022/06/25/two-types-of-privacy/ 2022-07-04T00:00:00-07:00 Happy 4th! I went all out with the website decorations this year. 2022-07-13T16:25:44-07:00 A tour of Windows 11's GUI: http://toastytech.com/guis/win11.html 2022-07-20T17:05:42-07:00 TeamViewer installs a suspicious font, apparently only for browser fingerprinting: https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/teamviewer-font-privacy.html 2022-07-21T22:54:52-07:00 A "Submit to HN" button at the bottom of a blog post is a little presumptuous, don't you think? 2022-07-22T00:41:19-07:00 I compiled Ladybird, the Linux port of the SerenityOS browser. Here's a screenshot of my website: https://mckinley.cc/img/ladybird.png 2022-07-23T13:30:14-07:00 I've been TrackPointless for 3 months, and I finally swapped keyboards with my parts T430 this morning. Oh, how I've missed you, old friend. 2022-07-23T13:35:20-07:00 A 5 minute job delayed for 3 months is the McKinley Labs way. 2022-07-30T20:18:05-07:00 I'm currently halfway through my first Gentoo install. Coincidentally, also my first GNU/Linux install on a system with Nvidia graphics... 2022-08-03T16:42:18-07:00 This is, perhaps, the greatest bug report of all time. IRC clients should specify a Gentoo-specific username: https://bugs.gentoo.org/35890 2022-08-03T16:45:12-07:00 I was going to say it was the second greatest, but the Epic Games GitHub Mail Disaster of 2022 was a pull request. 2022-08-11T02:10:19-07:00 RIP Terry Davis. I can't believe it's been 4 years already. 2022-08-14T14:12:19-07:00 Today is a CCR kind of day. 2022-08-14T15:23:10-07:00 A website served using NGINX on ReactOS: http://reactos.aaron.cc/ 2022-08-24T13:01:43-07:00 Cemu, the leading Wii U emulator, is now free software. Linux support is in progress. https://github.com/cemu-project/Cemu 2022-08-27T17:16:47-07:00 The version control system in my head isn't as good as Git. 2022-08-29T22:40:45-07:00 Having fun brushing up on Git. I have a remote set up on my web server. This post is the commit to make sure the post-receive hook works. 2022-08-29T22:56:59-07:00 It didn't. 2022-09-01T03:37:04-07:00 A 21 year old bug in Firefox just wasted half an hour of my life. 2022-09-01T16:02:33-07:00 Here's the bug report, it's very entertaining. Tony Marston is my favorite character. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98168 2022-09-08T21:42:26-07:00 Handwritten HTML strikes again! Since June this year, I've been truncating the name of the month to the 1st 3 characters in my twtxt archive 2022-09-08T21:42:36-07:00 I also found some bad markup in the twtxt archive that's been there for over a year. Hopefully that section won't be handwritten for long :) 2022-09-09T03:17:43-07:00 http​://http​://http​://@http​://http​://?http​://#http​://: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/09/08/http-http-http-http-http-http-http/ 2022-09-14T00:29:29-07:00 Tabloid: The clickbait headline programming language: https://tabloid.vercel.app/ 2022-09-21T00:36:12-07:00 You don't want to be on Cloudflare's naughty list: https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/cloudflare-ip-blockade.html 2022-09-21T22:42:23-07:00 The 21st night of September? 2022-09-21T23:02:04-07:00 I have a new Atom feed at https://mckinley.cc/blog/atom.xml. Open it in a Web browser for a surprise. :) 2022-09-23T14:21:39-07:00 TIL about the non-breaking hyphen: ‑ (U+2011) 2022-09-26T22:24:33-07:00 Added a section to my XSLT stylesheet explaining what Atom is. That was the point of making it, but I got carried away with date conversion. 2022-10-10T12:36:54-07:00 The Gopher Times Opus 6 has released: gopher://bitreich.org/0/tgtimes/archive/2022-10-10/tgtimes-2022-10-10-opus6.txt 2022-10-12T00:40:03-07:00 Correspondence on the Etymology of Wiki: http://c2.com/doc/etymology.html 2022-10-15T23:40:29-07:00 Kloak, a Keystroke-Level Online Anonymization Kernel: https://github.com/Whonix/kloak 2022-10-17T22:29:04-07:00 Warpd, a modal keyboard-driven virtual pointer: https://github.com/rvaiya/warpd 2022-10-17T22:45:38-07:00 Been playing around with Warpd. I could see myself using it much more if I used multiple displays or had no TrackPoint. 2022-10-17T22:45:50-07:00 Wayland tech tip #3: Be sure to install warpd-wayland-git instead of warpd-git from the AUR, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time. 2022-10-21T21:51:29-07:00 Wikiless, a self-hosted Wikipedia proxy, has been temporarily taken down from Codeberg at request of Wikimedia Legal: https://orenom.fi/ 2022-10-21T21:51:51-07:00 I really need an automatic Git mirroring setup. I've been burned too many times. At least this one is (allegedly) temporary. 2022-10-24T13:26:31-07:00 The future is now. Solitaire over Gopher: gopher://worldofsolitaire.com/ 2022-10-30T13:06:01-07:00 An NES emulator in <5000 bytes of C++: https://github.com/binji/smolnes 2022-11-01T17:56:11-07:00 I started a notes section of my website. It's for shorter, less formal posts. https://mckinley.cc/notes/20221101-yet-another-blog.html 2022-11-03T21:32:35-07:00 In the end, we all do what we must. 2022-11-11T17:52:37-08:00 A special build of cURL that can impersonate Chrome and Firefox: https://github.com/lwthiker/curl-impersonate 2022-11-15T22:25:59-08:00 Playing around with cmus tonight. My music library has so much bad metadata, it's not even funny. 2022-12-04T20:00:44-08:00 I now have an archive of over 1,000,000 Git commits across 154 repositories with my archival script. 2022-12-05T17:44:46-08:00 I'd really like to play with ChatGPT, but there's no way I'm giving them my phone number. 2022-12-15T22:21:06-08:00 This is blowing my mind. Real-time music generation with Stable Diffusion: https://www.riffusion.com/ 2022-12-20T11:57:49-08:00 Huge Tails update. Better persistent storage, Wayland, QR codes for bridges: https://tails.boum.org/news/version_5.8/index.en.html 2022-12-27T14:45:16-08:00 Bitreich Firework Service Online: gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-27T20-15-32-949988.md (ssh firework@bitreich.org) 2023-01-03T01:02:19-08:00 The freedoms you surrender today are the freedoms your grandchildren will never know existed. 2023-01-03T13:56:50-08:00 This is the year of the GNU/Linux desktop. 2023-01-04T13:29:34-08:00 I've been using cmus exclusively for over a month. Couldn't be happier with it. I can't believe I used Audacious for so long. 2023-01-08T23:57:25-08:00 Been using a ThinkPad T540 recently. Can't stand the TrackPoint with fake buttons. Who thought this was a good idea? I hope they were fired. 2023-01-13T23:54:19-08:00 A bootrom exploit for the iPod Nano 3rd-5th gen has been found. Looking forward to Rockboxing my nano! https://q3k.org/wInd3x.html 2023-01-14T02:06:02-08:00 I can now pull up the spectrogram of whatever song is playing with a single key stroke. I love cmus. 2023-01-14T20:34:28-08:00 Git man page generator: https://git-man-page-generator.lokaltog.net/ 2023-01-17T13:13:34-08:00 Tech tip: FFmpeg isn't working in your while loops because it's reading from stdin. Use '-nostdin'. Took me far too long to figure that out. 2023-01-17T23:02:32-08:00 Here's a nifty tool to identify MQA in FLAC files: https://github.com/purpl3F0x/MQA_identifier 2023-01-18T21:54:38-08:00 Every copy of Firefox is personalized: https://www.ghacks.net/2022/03/17/each-firefox-download-has-a-unique-identifier/ 2023-01-19T18:09:53-08:00 Sudo CVE of the day: Sudoedit can edit arbitrary files: https://seclists.org/oss-sec/2023/q1/42 2023-02-04T22:17:27-08:00 I added a camera shutter sound effect that plays whenever I take a screenshot. It's a big improvement, having that feedback. 2023-02-06T00:20:14-08:00 Dumb, an alternative frontend for genius.com written in Go: https://github.com/rramiachraf/dumb 2023-02-23T21:25:07-08:00 Finally, a JavaScript-free frontend for GitLab instances: https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/utils/laboratory.git 2023-02-23T21:25:38-08:00 There's one for GitHub too: https://codeberg.org/gothub/gothub 2023-03-04T00:08:41-08:00 XEP-0464: Cookies https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0464.html 2023-05-08T19:15:02-07:00 @<jmjl https://tilde.green/~jmjl/twtxt/twtxt.txt> I explain the favicon trick in https://mckinley.cc/blog/20210824.html 2023-05-12T12:53:31-07:00 USBGuard, USB device authorization policies for Linux: https://github.com/USBGuard/usbguard 2023-05-12T16:03:24-07:00 The only JSON feed I've ever seen in the wild: https://localmonero.co/static/rss/knowledge/feed.json 2023-05-13T19:15:24-07:00 Proof-of-work has been merged into Tor. Should help a lot with DoS issues: https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/merge_requests/702 2023-05-21T21:45:42-07:00 mckinley.cc is now available as a Tor hidden service: http://mckinley2nxomherwpsff5w37zrl6fqetvlfayk2qjnenifxmw5i4wyd.onion/ 2023-05-22T21:57:15-07:00 Tech tip: Install "kernel-modules-hook" in Arch Linux to keep old modules after a kernel update so you can load new ones without rebooting. 2023-05-26T13:16:31-07:00 Lab6 issue 4, at long last: https://lab6.com/4 2023-05-30T20:36:44-07:00 My hidden service is somehow already on some lists for crawlers. That's impressive. 2023-05-30T20:40:29-07:00 In other news, I modified my XSLT stylesheet so it can be used for both of my Atom feeds. 2023-06-27T14:08:31-07:00 Microsoft's trickery department strikes again: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/b0e1a1c1-bd62-462c-9ed5-5938b9c649f0 2023-07-04T11:10:09-07:00 Happy 4th! I added fireworks to my ASCII art on https://mckinley.cc/ 2023-07-10T17:47:51-07:00 Mount iOS devices on GNU/Linux, great for photo backup: https://github.com/libimobiledevice/ifuse 2023-07-11T18:36:45-07:00 Currently compiling the Dolphin emulator because the Arch package is broken. Wish me luck. 2023-07-30T21:34:34-07:00 Free Public WiFi: https://computer.rip/2023-07-29-Free-Public-WiFi.html 2023-08-11T17:51:03-07:00 RIP Terry. 2023-08-28T21:19:15-07:00 The Ladybird XHTML bug is fixed. index.xhtml and blog/index.xhtml are now generated with a Makefile, XSLT, and a bit of Python. Feels good! 2023-09-03T17:46:00-07:00 If you're reading this, this is my first automated twt. I added a line to twtxt.txt, typed 'make', and everything else was automatic. 2023-09-03T17:50:34-07:00 First try! 2023-09-05T19:01:08-07:00 Play the sounds of a buckling spring keyboard as you type: https://github.com/zevv/bucklespring 2023-09-21T22:00:58-07:00 Love was changing the minds of pretenders... 2023-10-02T12:04:11-07:00 I just lost 3/4 of a really good blog post by typing :q! without thinking and I'm having a really hard time rewriting it. 2023-10-05T17:18:36-07:00 Another digital license plate sighting today. It's an epidemic! 2023-10-10T11:47:28-07:00 How did I just find this program? Reptyr: Reparent a running program to a new terminal: https://github.com/nelhage/reptyr 2023-10-11T11:35:50-07:00 How to download and install Linux: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linux/install 2023-10-15T17:58:33-07:00 Grep for network connections: https://github.com/jpr5/ngrep 2023-10-26T22:48:39-07:00 Jeffrey Paul: Apple OSes Are Insecure By Design To Aid Surveillance: https://sneak.berlin/20231005/apple-operating-system-surveillance/ 2023-11-15T13:14:49-08:00 Note to self: Don't restart the NBD daemon while a computer has booted from it. 2023-12-14T12:42:15-08:00 This is why people go full Kaczynski. https://weel.bike/ 2023-12-18T00:35:56-08:00 I didn't realize what I was doing with a command and now my entire music library is tagged as hip-hop. It's time to stop for the night. 2023-12-24T16:34:49-08:00 We'll make our own driver! With blackjack, and hookers! https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/news-and-events/nvk-holiday-update.html 2024-01-01T00:00:00-08:00 This is the year of the GNU/Linux desktop 2024-01-05T22:18:44-08:00 I saw a Cybertruck earlier. I'm no fan of Tesla, but that thing is pretty cool. 2024-01-11T18:02:57-08:00 Great writeup on New Outlook, even though it's a biased source: https://proton.me/blog/outlook-is-microsofts-new-data-collection-service 2024-01-11T23:46:47-08:00 A word of advice: Never swing and grind at the same time. 2024-01-15T16:02:10-08:00 Zoom (2001) is Jeff Lynne's ELO before ELO was "Jeff Lynne's". There are some great songs on there. It's a shame the sound is so awful. 2024-01-31T17:16:30-08:00 Canada + Cryptocurrency = Ehthereum: https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/ 2024-02-04T23:44:50-08:00 Pro tip: Don't run out of space on Btrfs. 2024-02-09T14:45:45-08:00 Trying out Flexo, a caching proxy for Pacman: https://github.com/nroi/flexo 2024-02-11T20:20:12-08:00 KTeaTime: A customizable tea steeping timer application from the KDE project: https://apps.kde.org/kteatime/ 2024-02-14T13:12:06-08:00 Spring cleaning came early at McKinley Labs. I just removed 475 unnecessary packages from my laptop totaling ~3GiB. Not bad. 2024-02-15T19:03:17-08:00 TRIM on Btrfs on LUKS on a sparse disk image served with NBD actually works. I love free software. 2024-02-20T00:00:37-08:00 Since install, Flexo has saved ~417 MiB of bandwidth, or 21.7% of my total package downloads in that time. 2024-02-20T13:39:04-08:00 My hacky shell pipeline was flawed. Flexo actually saved ~689 MiB of bandwidth, or 35.7% of my total package downloads. 2024-02-23T14:08:41-08:00 Why Monero: https://benkaiser.dev/why-monero/ 2024-02-24T12:38:38-08:00 Playing with Wireguard and network namespaces today. Resisting the urge to redo my server. 2024-03-01T17:19:53-08:00 BunsenLabs is just a delightful distribution. 2024-03-07T14:51:41-08:00 Finally broke down and installed Pipewire. Bare ALSA is only good if you only use one physical sound card ever. Don't even try Bluetooth. 2024-03-14T10:42:47-07:00 https://github.com/lwthiker/curl-impersonate added support for Edge and Safari a while ago and I didn't realize. Very cool! 2024-03-24T11:15:02-07:00 Come on guys, can't we just do IPv6 already? 2024-04-19T20:02:09-07:00 The mystery airship phenomenon of the late 1890s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship 2024-05-01T20:03:29-07:00 Come on guys, can't we just do Btrfs RAID5/6 already? 2024-05-04T13:14:03-07:00 I'm starting to embrace containers on my PC for software I want to use once without littering my home folder with junk files. It's nice. 2024-05-07T14:00:04-07:00 Viddy, a modern watch(1) alternative with paging, visual diffs, and history: https://github.com/sachaos/viddy 2024-05-11T14:42:02-07:00 Garage, an "open-source distributed object storage service tailored for self-hosting": https://garagehq.deuxfleurs.fr/ 2024-05-11T15:21:03-07:00 The IBM PC110 (486 palmtop) hosting this website reached 3 years of uptime a couple weeks ago. Impressive! http://pc110.yyzkevin.com/ 2024-05-14T21:48:55-07:00 RIP LocalMonero. You will be missed. 2024-05-20T10:51:09-07:00 Today's project: Put 2 failing hard drives in RAID 0 and boot from it. What could go wrong? 2024-07-01T10:18:22-07:00 Another minor inconvenience could have been avoided by reading the Arch Linux news feed before upgrading.